SYA Observed International Olympic Day 2023
The Department of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of Sikkim celebrated International Olympic Day on 23rd June 2024. In order to support the Mission Olympic Movement, the department organized the Chief Minister One Mile Run, Drawing Competitions, Quiz Competitions and delivered Lectures on Values of Olympic Games in the field of Sports to various students and youths accross the State.
State NSS Units of different educational institutions and District offices under SYAD observed by conducting activities like Talk on highlighting the importance and significance of the day. Awareness rallies with slogans and placards prepared by the volunteers were displayed. Events like Yoga and Zumba sessions, Quiz competition related to Olympics and Exhibition matches between staff and students were also conducted in various locations.
International Olympic Day is celebrated annually on June 23rd of June to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the International Olympic Committee in 1894. This year, the theme of the Olympic Day is “Let’s Move and Celebrate’ to inspire and encourage people to embrace the joy of movement of the Olympic Games.