Day 2 of Training for Counting Officials in Namchi district.

Namchi, May 14 (IPR): A second day of training session for Counting Supervisors, Counting Assistants and Micro Observers was carried out in the Conference Hall of District Administrative Centre Namchi, today.
Present during the training session were Ms Bhumika Chettri, Deputy Secretary Election Cell Namchi -SLMT, Tshering Norgyal Theeng SDM Yangyang -SLMT, Mr Gopal K Chettri SDM Namchi(HQ) -DLMT Mr Sunil Kumar Mothay ADC(Dev) Ravangla -DLMT and other officials.
Bhumika Chettri SLMT thoroughly briefed the attendees through her PowerPoint presentation on the rules and regulations that the counting officials has to undertake. She also covered various protocols that the counting officials has to follow while counting of Postal Ballots, Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System (ETBPS), Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) and Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs).
She underlined that postal ballot papers are to be counted first and the counting of votes in EVMs will commence 30 minutes after the start of postal ballot counting.
Further, key topics highlighted were legal provisions, layout of EVM counting table, Postal Ballot/Home Voting Counting table and roles of micro observers during Counting process.
She also informed that it is extremely imperative for the counting officials to be careful and maintain the secrecy of votes failing which disciplinary action may be taken against the counting officials as per ECI.
Subsequently, a practical demonstration was conducted to explain Form 13 A, 13 B, and 13 C.
Mr Tshering Norgyal Theeng SLMT addressing the gathering he highlighted the instructions issued by Election Commission of India (ECI) regarding the arrangement for counting centres and management of counting process thoroughly.
Additionally he instructed the attendees to report at the counting hall at Namchi government college one hour prior to the opening of the strong room.
He also informed that there will be 8 counting halls.
In addition, he said that the officials involved in the counting process would be given ID cards without which they wouldn’t be allowed to enter the premises.
The second day of training session saw approximately 60 participants in both morning and afternoon session.

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