Hon’ble MP Rajya Sabha chairs entry point activity meet for newly adopted SAGY village, Toong Naga

Mangan, 25 Oct (IPR): An entry point activity meeting for the newly adopted SAGY village, Toong Naga, was held today under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MP Rajya Sabha, Shri Hissay Lachungpa.

The SAGY Scheme is a unique and a trans-formative scheme as it takes a holistic approach towards development. Each MP selects villages under their constituency and handholds them to develop into model villages. It envisages an integrated development of the selected village across multiple areas such as agriculture, health, education, sanitation, environment, livelihoods, etc. Far beyond mere infrastructure development, SAGY aims at instilling certain values, such as people’s participation, Antyodaya, gender equality, dignity of women, social justice, spirit of community service, cleanliness, eco-friendliness, maintaining ecological balance, peace and harmony, mutual cooperation, self-reliance, local self-government, transparency and accountability in public life in the villages and their people so that they get transformed into models for others. It may be mentioned here that Tingvong village adopted under SAGY has won two National awards.

The programme was also graced by Minister for Forest, Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Shri T.W. Lepcha , Up-Adhakshya, North, Shri Teney Bhutia, SNT Chairman, Shri Pintso Namgyal Lepcha, former Adhakshya, North, Smt Anguli Lepcha, former Up-Adhakshya, North, Shri Nim Tshering Lepcha, District Collector North, SP North, ADC (Dev), BDO Mangan and Heads of all Line Departments in the district.

The programme commenced with the lighting of ceremonial lamp by Hon’ble MP and Hon’ble Minister cum Area MLA followed by the formal announcement of the adoption of Toong Naga Village under SAGY scheme. A brief presentation was made on the village profile detailing on the population, resources available and needed infrastructure. The resource person from RMDD enlightened the audience about the guidelines and vision of SAGY.

Addressing the gathering, the Forest Minister cum area MLA stated North Sikkim was lucky to have three GPUs adopted under SAGY and thanked the MP Rajya Sabha for adopting the Toong Naga GPU in the third phase. He stated that the decision will hasten the development of the GPU into a model village in the near future.

Nodal officer (SAGY North) cum District Collector, Shri Karma Bonpo, said the strong public participation and awareness was essential for the development of the village. He stated the people will have to draw their plans for village development and work towards the vision of achieving a model village. The scheme will be implemented by convergence of various scheme of the government and will be monitored by the MP. The district administration will work hand in hand with the public to achieve all the plans drawn by the people, he added.

Rajya Sabha MP, Shri Lachungpa, said that all the Central and State schemes will be given priority in the villages once it is tagged with SAGY. He appealed the people of the village to focus on organic vegetable production and that provisions would be made for construction of marketing sheds. He also announced that the three best progressive farmers in the village will get cash prize worth Rs. 50,000, Rs.30,000.and Rs 20,000 on the basis of their farm productivity. He also informed that special focus will be on Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry sector to make the people self reliant and income generation.

He also suggested that the Bongthing house be developed into a culture center where youth can be engaged for showcasing the rich cultural heritage to the tourists thereby generating valuable income in the village. He said that due focus on sports development and cultural preservation would have to be made. He urged the people to come up with the village development plans before the next meeting with Secretaries of various departments during which the detailed development plan would be discussed.

Panchayats of Toong Naga GPU and former Up-Adhakshya North, Shri Nim Tshering Lepcha, expressed their happiness and gratitude on behalf of the public to the Hon’ble MP for adopting their village and stated that they will spare no effort in implementing the various scheme in the village. They are stated that all the GPUs members will wholeheartedly participate to make the scheme a success.

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