Orientation of School Teachers on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

Gangtok, 17th March 2023: The second leg of the Training Programme on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy began today at SCERT Auditorium in Gangtok. The programme was graced by the Honourable Minister for Education Govt. of Sikkim Mr Kunga Nima Lepcha as the Chief Guest.Director SCERT Dr. Rabin Chettri, Director School Education Mr.K.C.Gyatso , Chief Education Officer Gangtok, Mrs Tseringkee Chingapa, officials from Nandok, Ranka and Martam Block and SCERT were also present.
In his address, the Chief Guest highlighted the fact that the focus of this government has always been on education and that it was committed to making the NIPUN Bharat Sikkim Mission successful. He added that foundational literacy and numeracy must ensure that every child is able to achieve the desired learning competencies. The Minister expressed his desire to visit as many schools as possible and also assured to provide all the necessary support for quality education. The roles of institutions like SCERT, DIET, the teams of resource persons from Azim Premji University and from Kids World Education Consultants for Jolly Phonics to bring about quality education in Sikkim too were acknowledged by the Chief Guest.
In his address the Director SCERT apprised all about how NIPUN Bharat was being implemented in true earnest in Sikkim through various training programmes for teachers on FLN and Vidya Pravesh.
This orientation programme is being conducted by a team of resource persons from Azim Premji University, Bengaluru led by Mr.Bijoy Sankar Das leader for the North Eastern States and Jammu and Kashmir for early childhood care and education. Another team from Kids World Consultants from Mumbai is providing training on Jolly Phonics .While Mr.Bijoy Sankar Das shared his observation that Sikkim is always a pioneer in implementing educational programmes, Ms.Neeti Nagarkar expressed her satisfaction in being part of the FLN Team for Jolly Phonics.
The programme ended with the Assistant Director Martam Block Mr.Ishwar Chettri proposing the vote of thanks.

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