It is with profound sorrow that the Government of Sikkim spearheaded by the Honorable Chief Minister, Shri P S Golay, the Honorable Minister Ven. Sonam Lama announces the attaining of Parinirvana of His Holiness the IVthDodrupchen Rinpoche Thupten Thinley Palzangpo. His Holiness Kyabje Dodrupche Rinpoche ascended into a spontaneous Meditative State / “THEUN / “THUGDAM” in the afternoon of the 25th day of January 2022 at the age of 97 years as per the Tibetan calendar. The world in general and Sikkim, in particular, has lost a TREASURE on this day of 28th January 2022 and we deeply mourn our loss.
H.H. 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche dedicated his entire life in the service of Dharma and all sentient beings. His loss will be felt deeply by the Dharma community and disciples in Sikkim and across the world.
Born in 1927 in the village of Tsi in Serkhog in the Sertha Valley of Golok, Tibet, the 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche was the principal lineage holder of Nyingmapa School of Buddhism and propagator of the Longchen Nyingthik teachings (Heart Essence of the Great Expanse) as revealed by the Omniscient Rigzin Jigme Lingpa.
At just four years old, Dodrupchen Rinpoche was enthroned at the Sangchen Ngodrup Pelbarling monastery, and at twenty years old, he was installed as the head of the monastery where he looked after its spiritual and administrative affairs for a period of eleven years. Dodrupchen Rinpoche was known to be profoundly accomplished in the essence of all phenomena including Sutras, Tantras, and Longchen Nyingthik, and, was greatly adept in siddhi.
On October 12, 1957, as prophesied in the KaGya Ma, the 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche arrived in Gangtok and was offered residence at Deorali by the Chogyal, Sir Tashi Namgyal, the Crown Prince Palden Thendup Namgyal and Kyabje Kongpo Trulzhig Rinpoche. Around the same time, the Dodrupchen Rinpoche was advised by Kyabje Trulzhig Rinpoche to establish a meditation centre in Gangtok which eventually went on to become the Dudul Chorten monastery in Deorali, Gangtok. Under his auspice, the Chorten Gompa has grown into a base for nearly a thousand sangha and a significant place of worship for the people of Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal and overseas devotees.
Here, the Rinpoche bestowed several initiations and instructions to the monastic community for the guidance and benefit of all sentient beings. Notably, the Lama Gongdu cycle of teachings (1991), Duelwa Dzhi Sum (1991-2014). Three Roots practice (2009), Dukngal Rangdrol, Tikle Gyachen, Senge Dongma and Rigdzin Dupa (2010), NyingthigYashi (2011), and Nyidrak Tsasum and Longchen Nyingthig (2014).
Besides major empowerments, Rinpoche also frequently offered “lamjong” and “sonjong” prayers on behalf of the deceased and surviving families of the general public based on Amitabha rituals. Dodrupchen Rinpoche contributed towards the construction of several institutions, meditation centers, shedas, stupas, and chortens across Sikkim. Notably, Pema Hoeling (1979), Ngondro Drupkhang (1975) and the statue of Guru Rinpoche (NangsiSilnon), Samdruptse, near Namchi, South Sikkim (2004) and Statue of Chenrezig Riwo Potala at Sangha Choling, Pelling, West Sikkim (2018).
In 1982, Dodrupchen Rinpoche led and organized the recitation of Arya Bhadracharya Pranidhanaraja one hundred thousand times at the holy site of Bodhgaya along with monks from several monasteries in Sikkim. This event was foundational to the formal beginning of the Ngagyur Monlam Chenmo conducted for International Peace annually in Bodhgaya since 1989.
Over the course of his life, Dodrupchen Rinpoche bestowed initiations and teachings to countless disciples and members of the monastic community. He made vast contributions in the research and preservation of Buddhist teachings individually and through his work at the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology (NIT).
He acquired essential texts and collected works for the study and practice of the sangha such as the Kama (the Canonical Oral lineage of the Nyingma school), Rinchen Trezod (The Great Treasury of Precious Termas), Lama Gongdu (Summary of Guru’s Intention), the six volumes of Jatson Nyingpo and the ‘Treasure Scripts’ of Pema Lingpa among others.
Rinpoche also authored two books viz, Sangak Ngagyur Thunmin Lug gi Lapcha (Tantric Doctrine according to Nyingma School) and Lama Sum So Soe Rangnam Gonpachey kyiJhungwa Dordue (A Short Account of Monastic Life in Drodup), and personally commissioned and reprinted the Longchen Dzoedun (The Seven Treasures of the Longchenpa), Nyingthik Yabshi (the Four Heart-Essences) and many liturgical texts of the Longchen Nyingthig.
In these ways, Dodrupchen Rinpoche dedicated his life to the spiritual guidance, maturation and liberation of countless devotees, disciples, lamas, khenpos, tulkus and all sentient beings. He was known to have a gentle, modest yet extraordinary presence. This was the legacy of the IVthDodrupchen Rinpoche. May he guide us through the abundant knowledge he left behind.
In Rinpoche’s wise words, “strive to be loving to people, specially those who are close to you such as friends, relatives, dharma brothers and sisters and neigbours. Try to avoid harming them. Be respectful to them, as all are enlightened in their true nature. Then, in a simple way, you are moving towards fulfilling the Pratimoksha vow of not harming others, the bodhisattvas vow of being loving to others, and the tantric vow of pure perception ”.
May H.H. Kyabje Dodrupchen Rinpoche’s Yangsi return soon to turn the wheel of Dharma and to benefit all sentient beings to be liberated from the suffering of samsaric existence.
The enlightened mind, primordially pure,
Is never scorched by the fires of hell,
Nor deprived by the hungry ghost realm,
Nor dulled by the animal realm.
Nor overpowered by hordes of demons.
To the union of Emptiness and Compassion,
I supplicate.
-Supplication Prayer to the Successive Emanations of Dodrupchen