Hon’ble MP Shri Indra Hang inaugurates the 5th State Teacher Educators Conference

Gangtok, January 22: State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Sikkim, Education Department, Government of Sikkim organized the 5th STATE TEACHER EDUCATORS CONFERENCE from 21st to 22nd January 2021 at Sidkeong Tulku Hall, Forest Secretariat, Deorali, Gangtok. The conference was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, Shri Indra Hang Subba in the presence of Hon’ble Advisor Shri M. P. Subba, Additional Chief Secretary, Education Department, Shri G.P. Upadhyaya, Secretary, Education Department, Shri Anil Raj Rai and Director SCERT, Dr. Rabin Chhetri. The conference also had the presence of Directors and other officials from different Directorates of Education and District Heads.
The conference also had the participation of different National Level Organisations like North East Regional Institute of Education (NIEPA)-NCERT, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, Azim Premji University (APU) Bengaluru and Teacher Education Institutes from within and outside the State.
The conference which is an annual event of SCERT provides an opportunity for teacher educators and researchers to deliberate and discuss the findings of research conducted on areas of Teacher Education and School Education.
The programme started with a welcome address by Director, SCERT. He also gave a presentation on the programmes and activities conducted by SCERT. He mentioned that the culture of educational research was being encouraged in SCERT and DIETs which would contribute to developing effective policy for the Department of Education. The inaugural session of the programme had a presentation by Prof. B. Barthakur, Principal NERIE on Teacher Education in the light of New National Education Policy 2020 and by Dr. Kashyapi Awasthy, NIEPA, New Delhi on Leading School Complexes as per the recommendation of NEP-2020.
The Additional Chief Secretary Shri G. P. Upadhyaya in his address congratulated SCERT for successfully conducting the Annual Teachers Conference for the 5th consecutive time. He also highlighted how from a humble beginning of two research papers since its inception, the conference has grown to accommodate around 20 research papers this year.
Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, Shri Indra Hang Subba, in his inaugural address applauded the work of Education Department and expressed his desire to commit himself for the sake of improvement of the reading habits among the children in the State. He appreciated the community participation to revive Pentong Primary School in Upper Dzongu which was facing closure due to low enrolment of students. He also spoke about a book fair and a book donation drive scheduled to be organized in Sikkim in February this year to help inculcate reading habits among the students.
After the inaugural function, research papers were presented by teacher educators from SCERT, DIETs, Harkamaya College of Education and Nar Bahadur Bhandari Degree College, Gangtok. Altogether, 19 papers that belonged to different areas pertaining to teacher education and school education were presented during four technical sessions of the two days conference.
The valedictory function was chaired by Hon’ble Advisor Shri M. P. Subba in presence of Director SCERT Dr Rabin Chhetri, SPD Samagra Shiksha and Director Elementary Education Shri Bhim Thatal, guests from NERIE, NIEPA and APU, Officials from different Directorates of Education Department, faculty of SCERT and DIETs and participants from different colleges and universities.
The session witnessed a presentation of reports of the seminar by Ms Larissa Lepcha. The two days conference which was coordinated by Dr Mahendra Tamang, Assistant Professor SCERT concluded with vote of thanks by Ms Lensong Lepcha which was followed by a presentation of Certificates and Mementoes to the participants.
(Press release from Education Department)

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